Wednesday, July 31, 2019

1492: Conquest of Paradise and Indians Essay

1492: Conquest of Paradise is a movie directed by Ridley Scott and it was released in 1992. The main character Christopher Columbus was played by Gerard Depardieu and the movie was about his attempt to find a way to go to India by sailing west. The movie begins with Columbus teaching his son how the earth is round. Then Columbus thinks about the ways to get to India and that the best way was to go west. The people in Salamanca agreed to seeing his proposal all they do is laugh at it and challenge his idea. Even though the council rejected the idea he goes to Queen Elizabeth I which is played by Sigourney Weaver, and she gave him a chance. This other man wanted to help him but wanted money in return but Columbus did not accept and was to become a monk but the queen did not allow it and the queen supported the trip. They use this pendulum this to help them navigate and to find what degree latitude or longitude they are at. See more:  Unemployment – problems and solutions essay It has been weeks and the men think that they have gone off track and they do not trust in Columbus. They finally reach land and they go and explore until they find the indians. At first the indians are scary and Columbus’s plan does not involve force. They did not really find any gold except the artifacts the Indian’ gave them. The spanish were treated as gods. About 39 men stayed behind to build a fort while they go back to Spain cause the captain called Mendez played by Kevin Dunn, had a fever that would not go away. When they get to Spain they get applauded and and now he wants to go back with 7 ships and 1500 men. So he goes back to the West Indies and all his men are dead and the village they were at was burned down to the core. He wants peace with the Indians and so the Indians help bring in this bell and they help construct this fort and village. Then the Indians were put to find gold and they had to go turn it in everyday and one did not find anything and this man comes and chops his hand off and that starts a war with the natives. So the natives attach and burn down what they built but in reality an actual spaniard burnt it down. Two spaniards make allies with the Indian, one commits suicide then they start cooperating and this storm comes and everything is destroyed. Then at the end his son Fernando writes of his dad’s voyage. The movie is in the main character’s perspective which is Christopher Columbus. The message of the story is that if there is a will there is a way. Columbus did not give up even though the university did not support  him. The movie relates really well to the themes of politics, social, economical, and cultural. Social is about two types of people interacting, in this case the Indians and Spaniards. You see the culture of the Indians. From what i know about Christopher Columbus’s story I did not find any historical inaccuracies, except how he did 4 trips and they only show him doing 2 trips. This movie has a great value in advancing my knowledge of history. There are barely any historical inaccuracies (I believe), it stuck to the real history. I do not believe that there are not any drawbacks, this movie is very accurate and it is a valuable source.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Benefits of Organic Food on Children Essay

It is believed that the most noteworthy of choices we can make based on enhancement of our own health and environmental health is the consumption of organic food. Organic food or otherwise you bet that a number of individuals would prefer organic food to the conventionally produced one. This is so because of a number of discoveries made crediting organic food to be better. For instance, a major European Union study concluded in 2007 found out that organic foods were 40% more rich in antioxidants than their conventional equivalents with a similar percentage for organic milk going as high as 60%. Earlier, in 2001, Washington State University researchers had established that organic apples were sweeter and firmer as compared to their conventional equivalents. Other separate studies elsewhere have since established that generally, organic fruits and vegetables contain higher nutrient levels. Regardless of who is conducting the study or where and when the study is conducted, the bottom line remains that organic food is of superior quality than their conventional equivalents and this explains why they are expensive besides their high demand. This paper seeks to investigate the benefits of organic food on children. Introduction Organic farming has been embraced recently especially by developed 1st and 2nd world countries. Organic food is that kind of food obtained in their very natural environment without contamination of any kind i. e. if it is plants they are produced without the conventional use of artificial fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides etc. These artificial substances are avoided as a way of maintaining the natural composition of plant cells. It should be noted that if these substances are used they are incorporated into the plant tissues and cells thus causing contamination. If any fertilizer has to be used then it has to be from livestock and poultry which in turn have never been fed on artificial substances such as antibiotics, growth hormones etc. The food generated by this kind of farming is termed as organic food. It should be noted that organic produce may not necessarily be genetically modified. With the increased embrace of this kind of farming, some countries have moved to make sure that the farmers are certified in order to produce and market their produce as organic. Such countries include US, Canada, EU, Japan and many more. Historically the practice of organic farming was limited to a private family affair making organic food scarce and available only in farmer’s markets and small stores. Nevertheless, since the 90’s the demand for organic food has appreciably grown forcing the production of the food also to grow averagely at the rate of 20% pa. The growth proceeded right into the 21st century and as of April 2008 the organic food had claimed almost 2% of the total world food sales. At the moment it is projected that the growth rate may supersede the historical 20% pa to stand at 40-50% pa based on the country (Davis & Winter, 2006). The best processed organic food is the one that contains almost 100% natural ingredients. However if the non organic ingredients happen to be present, then their percentages must be very minimal and allow the animal and plant ingredients command more than 95% in Canada, US and Australia. How do you ascertain the percentage printed on the packages of these organic foods? Initially, people eating organic food insisted on knowing the organic farmer and visiting that farmer so as to trust the food produced. However with the growth of the organic food production industry, food production is not easily ascertainable and labeling of products as organic is easily trusted. The responsibility of ascertaining and ensuring that the food labeled as organic is indeed organic and it is produced as per the dictates of organic farming and processing regulations set out in the given country has been left to the government and other third party inspectors. The government legislation and the role of the third party inspectors have been relied on for assurance (Government of Canada, 2006). In Canada for instance, the organic food production is highly regulated and the government regulations governing organic food (farming and processing) need to be followed to the letter. There are no genetic modification, no food additives and there are no artificial processing methods such as chemical ripening and food irradiation. If organic food is being imported to Canada, then it has to come with an attestation from the source country. All these regulations are maintained and implemented basically on consumer protection grounds. Some food producers are likely to falsify information such as to reap high profit margins associated with organic food. The high profit margins in organic food is due to the 10 to 40% extra cost on organic food as compared to the food that is conventionally produced. Benefits of Organic Food on Children Based on the method of production of organic food, they are the best and safe for consumption especially for children whose body systems are more sensitive than the adults’. It is common knowledge that the choice of nutrition and food plays a major role in either triggering or preventing conditions such as obesity, asthma and diabetes. It has been established that healthy foods such as organic foods help prevent the onset of conditions such as cardiovascular diseases, hearty diseases and even cancer. Therefore, organic foods are quite beneficial to mankind especially to children (Finnamore, 2008). Since there are no artificial fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides used in the production of organic food, then it means that the food lacks the residue levels of pesticides and herbicides witnessed in the conventionally produced food. Such residue herbicides and pesticides have been known to trigger cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Children are more susceptible to toxins such as the residual pesticides because of a combination of factors such as immature and developing organs and brains thus reduced detoxification and immune system. Therefore, feeding children on the conventionally produced food which has residual pesticide levels far above the recommended safety levels exposes them to the pesticides and herbicides which may cause cancer, cardiovascular diseases and nervous system defects. Feeding children on organic food protects them from the toxic pesticides guarantying their health as they develop. The hyperactivity in children has been blamed on the residual pesticides and herbicides in the conventionally produced foods. Therefore if children are fed on organic food, hyperactivity in school going children is likely to be reduced. Conventionally produced food has some food additives such as sweeteners, preservatives flavorings colorings hydrogenated fat, and phosphoric acid added during processing. These substances may pose toxic threat to the child’s immature brain and organs hence having adverse effects on the children. Such additives are prohibited in organic food production and this protects children from possible toxic effects of the food additives the additives. According, to doctors, the least the artificial additives and sweeteners in children’s’ food, the better.

The Theme of Perfection and Imperfect in the Poem ‘God’s Grandeur’

In the poem ‘God’s Grandeur’ by Gerard Manley Hopkins, the theme of imperfection and perfection is highlighted. The majority of the poem is a contrast between imperfection and perfection. The first stanza discusses the contrast between the two themes; perfection and imperfection, while in the second stanza; God’s perfection is mainly spoken about. Perfection The mere title of this poem suggests the poem is about something great and powerful. The word ‘grandeur’ is defined as splendour and impressiveness. This word is frequently used when referring to appearance or style and is a synonym and implication of perfection.Therefore, the poem’s title is suiting and signifies God’s perfection and His grace. In the poem, the earth and nature is also seen as a symbol of perfection, as it is made and controlled by God. This is evident in line one, which quotes â€Å"The world is charged with the grandeur of God. † This shows that natu re is seen as pure and it is renewed at this point to be slowly changed by imperfections such as man. In line six it is stated that ‘all is seared with trade; bleared, smeared with soil; And wears man’s smudge and man’s smell. However nature is relentless and proves itself to always be perfect, no matter how many attempts man tries to destroy it, it just always finds a way bounce back what harm man does to it. Lines nine and ten state ‘†¦nature is never spent; there lives the dearest freshness deep down things. ’ These phrases clearly prove that the earth will not lose its purity due to man. The Holy Ghost’s presence with vitality and life and al luminous things are what keep the earth together, with warm breath and bright wings. ImperfectionIn the poem ‘God’s Grandeur’ the theme of imperfection directly deals with the attitude and the action of man. God has blessed man with a wonderful earth, a natural home with abund ant resources to help man to survive, but unfortunately man has become blind and ungrateful. For centuries man has destroyed the earth for selfish gain. This can be shown by the phrase ‘the soil is now bare’, which gives the image of a desolate, dry earth whose resources were used for the wrong purposes. The phrase ‘nor can foot feel’ hich contains an example of alliteration and also imagery, shows how man has separated himself both physically and spiritually from nature and the earth which God has blessed them with and consequently they are also separating themselves from God. The poet’s tone of gratitude and awe throughout most of the poem clearly shows his disappointment of man’s treatment to the earth due to ignorance selfishness and ingratitude which contribute to man’s imperfection. Even the phrase ‘why do men then now not reck his rod? ’ show that the poet does not understand why man does not give God the thanks and respect that He is due.Unfortunately man does not realize that by trying to help themselves , they are actually hurting themselves , since they are destroying something that is keeping them alive. Most of the book of Matthew chapter five , especially Matthew 5:48 which states ‘you therefore must be perfect as your Heavenly Father is perfect’ clearly shows that due to man’s sin , such as selfishness, hatred, ignorance and in relation to the poem the misuse of God’s blessings , which contribute to man’s imperfection, can resultantly separate us from God.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Renewable energy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Renewable energy - Essay Example energy is energy generated from resources that are naturally refilled on a human timescale such as rain, geothermal heat, waves, sun, and wind (Harvey and Brown 41). The cost of generating hydropower is low making it the most preferable source of the world’s renewable energy. Further, hydroelectric plants are said to have long economic lives with some plants having the ability to be in service for over 50 years. The cost of operation is not high since plants are automated and have few people on site during normal operations. In addition, hydro energy is more flexible source of power or electricity because plants can be ramped or inclined up and down to adapt to transforming energy needs. Once a hydropower dam is constructed, the project generates no direct waste to the ecosystem and has low production of greenhouse gases than fossil fuels (Somma 46). It is vital to note that many nations recommend energy sources such as hydropower, wind and sun because they do not emit any harmful chemicals and gases such as carbon dioxide and it is not a major contributor to global warming via carbon dioxide. Energy source such as hydropower is a renewable source of energy or power because rivers and streams are naturally available. Further, hydropower is not expensive as compared to energy produced from nuclear energy or fossil fuels. The advantage of hydroelectric reservoirs is that they are able to tackle daily, seasonal, and peak loads. For instance, when the demand of electric falls, the reservoirs or dams store water while some installed electricity generators are used to store excess energy (Harvey and Brown 33). Biofuel production revolves around the fact that biofuel is a renewable source of energy. Biofuels have a source material and unlike oil, which often takes thousands of years for the fossil fuels to be produced, the biofuels are renewable because new crops can often be grown and the waste material collected for production of oil. Biofuel production has helped

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Quantitive methods Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Quantitive methods - Assignment Example We shall first conduct an informal graphical analysis to get a feel for what to expect and then move on to formal tests for stationarity. We start by looking at the time plots of the two given series. Figure 2: share price of Korean Airlines Figures 1 and 2 present the time plots. Evidently, both series exhibit a gradually rising trend and some moderate persistence properties. This reflects that neither of the series are stationary. They also seem to reflect similar patterns of persistent volatility. Now, we turn to look at the first differences of the two series. Figure 3: The Korean Stock Exchange stock price index in first differences Figure 4: price of Korean Airlines in first differences. From figures 3 and 4, we find that neither series exhibits any patterns or trends. They seem to fluctuate randomly around zero. Thus, both the series of 1st differences seem to be stationary around a zero mean. Thus our preliminary graphical analysis reflects that both the series are integrated of the first order. Formally to evaluate the validity of these claims, we run Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) tests on the levels and the 1st differences of the two series. ... Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test Equation Dependent Variable: D(LKO) Method: Least Squares Date: 04/09/12 Time: 13:53 Sample (adjusted): 1/08/1997 12/14/2011 Included observations: 780 after adjustments Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.  Ã‚   LKO(-1) -0.003394 0.003258 -1.041768 0.2978 C 0.024682 0.022454 1.099231 0.2720 R-squared 0.001393   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Mean dependent var 0.001348 Adjusted R-squared 0.000109   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  S.D. dependent var 0.044155 S.E. of regression 0.044152   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Akaike info criterion -3.399783 Sum squared resid 1.516653   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Schwarz criterion -3.387836 Log likelihood 1327.915   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Hannan-Quinn criter. -3.395188 F-statistic 1.085281   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Durbin-Watson stat 2.039111 Prob(F-statistic) 0.297843 Table 1 above presents the results of running an ADF test on the lko series. The choice of optimal lag is automatic based on the Schwarz information criterion or SIC. Note that the null hypothesis is that the series has a uni t root. The relevant portions have been highlighted for convenience. The t-statistic is smaller in absolute terms compared to the critical value, and the associated p-value is 0.74>0.05. Therefore, we fail to reject the null hypothesis. Thus, this implies that the series of levels of the lko is non-stationary. Now, we take first differences of the series and test its stationarity properties. This is done in table 2. Table 2: testing stationarity of the 1st differences of lko Null Hypothesis: D(LKO) has a unit root Exogenous: Constant Lag Length: 0 (Automatic based on SIC, MAXLAG=20) t-Statistic   Ã‚  Prob.* Augmented Dickey-Fuller test statistic -28.52751   0.0000 Test critical values: 1% level -3.438518 5% level -2.865035 10% level -2.568686 *MacKinnon (1996) one-sided p-values. Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test Equation Dependent

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The Impact of the Euro Since its Launch Dissertation

The Impact of the Euro Since its Launch - Dissertation Example The currency had also to revive itself from the initial downturn it suffered and later to sustain the growth achieved by it as an international currency. This paper presents the major advantages and disadvantages of the currency as a single currency and the impact it created on the various economic fronts since its inception. The major purpose of introduction of Euro was to take on the challenges of competition posed by the growing attitude of globalization. The other object envisaged by the European Union through the introduction of Euro was to overcome the barriers imposed by the diversities posed by the different economies. These diversities are caused by the conflicting monetary and fiscal policies of the various governments and the multifarious tariffs and restrictions placed on trade and investment. Before the introduction of Euro the euro-zone currencies were greatly influenced by the rise or fall in the rate of US dollar. The introduction and existence of euro has led to the positive impact of alleviating the financial crisis faced by the euro-zone countries since 1998. Further positive effects of the common European currency in the form of price stability, cheaper and better banking facilities, increase in the competitiveness of the industrial enterprises and welfare of the consumers in general have resulted during the last 8 years of the existence. Most generally the vastness of the European internal market with a single currency made Europe a potential competitor to the market of the US.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Organisation and Management of Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

Organisation and Management of - Research Paper Example Planning comes in many different forms and this process involves setting the scope of the project as well as the necessary tools needed to conduct a successful research project. Tools planning might be measured in electronic database availability, resource literature compilation, availability of a non-disruptive environment for thought and secondary research, and also the planning of specific objectives related to the goal of project completion. After the planning stage, the student must be motivated to complete all tasks on time and remain focused on fulfilling all of their planned objectives. Because a project as large-scale as a dissertation involves multi-tasking in all stages of development, motivation is a primary factor to ensure that the project meets its proposed timeline without interruption to attaining a quality end result. There are generally two types of motivation, intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsic motivations come from within and are linked specifically to the task itself. For example, this motivation might be developed from having a personal association with the research project in a way that provides value to the researcher. Therefore, the student should be able to come up with a suitable topic that is directly associated with something in their career field that is personally rewarding or they feel would bring value to the reader. By identifying personally with the research topic, the student will probably have more incentive and enthusiasm for conducting all stages of the project successfully.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Business Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Business Law - Essay Example This is a system that categorises the different laws enacted into several distinct sections. However, other laws have legal jurisdiction in the United States, but they are not categorized under the United States Code. Some of these laws include the Universal Commercial Code (UCC) and the law of contracts. Scenario Overview The scenario presented by the events leading to the case of Chetum versus Barkley raises a lot of legal issues that need to be investigated. Ian Chetum is a shrewd businessman who awarded a contract to a family firm belonging to Knarles and Barkely. However, the terms of the contract were unclear and thus it created conflict between the interested parties. Ian Chetum has sued Barkely and his company for breach of contract, and this situation needs legal interpretation. There are several laws enacted in the United States of America and this laws deal with civil wrongs, torts or contracts. The sale of goods or service is guided the law of contracts, but in this scena rio, we witness several mistakes committed by the stakeholders in the case. For instance, Ian Chetum who owns the building in North Virginia ignored expert advice advanced to him by a plumber who works for Barkely. It is important to note that the firm run by Knarles and Barkely has jurisdiction in three districts of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia. As a result, they have the legal right to operate in these regions while the company can conduct business with any business partner or consumer. Laws in the United States There are several laws in the United States of America and most of these laws are enacted the House of Senate. Most of US laws are sourced from the senate while other international laws are recognised in the United States. For instance, the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) is an international law that has jurisdiction in the US. Other sources of law that is usually relied upon in the courts of law in the United States include law based on precedence. This is whereby court decisions on previous legal matters are used in solving current court cases. Most agreements or contracts are based on the agreements made between two or more parties. A contract has provisions that guide on initiation, performance and termination of the agreement/contract. A contract should be entered through an agreement where an offer is made by one party, and acceptance is done by the other party. For a contract to be legally binding there must be free and genuine consent between the parties. A contract should include provisions that can easily be performed while the provisions should bear meaning. In the United States, the laws of contract and sales are different since these laws are used in different circumstances. For instance, contracts are used in drawing agreements that last long periods of time unlike sales laws that govern on sale of goods. Legal Issues The scenario presented in this case raises several legal issues which surround the job conducted on Ian Chetum’s building. Employees or professional who work on certain jobs have to be certified to conduct these jobs. Knarles’ company employees a plumber who is certified by the District of Columbia and thus, he has jurisdiction to work in Columbia. This raises the legal issue of jurisdiction in that is the same plumber licensed to work in other Districts such as Virginia and Maryland. Another important legal issue that needs to be looked into is if the unintended non-renewal of the plumber’

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Plato Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Plato - Essay Example In about his fortieth year Plato is said to have left Athens to study with Pythagoras at Crotona. Plato was perhaps the only Pythagorean whose work and teachings are known today. Traveling to Syracuse, Plato met Dionysius I and became friends with his brother ¬ in-law, Dion, who later became his follower (Jaspers, 1962). After leaving Italy Plato traveled to Egypt, Cyrene, Judea and to the banks of the Ganges. It was said that his mind became a treasure house of the world's wisdom (Thomas & Thomas, 1941). But it was Socrates to whom Plato remained devoted all his life. Plato returned to Athens in 386 to start his Academy, which he patterned after Pythagoras' school in Crotona. Here he immortalized the mental prowess of his master, Socrates, presenting Socratic ideas in the form of dialogues though the mouth of his teacher. He gave us a fair picture of Socrates but little of himself, so that it is hard to tell when Socrates leaves off and Plato takes over. When Plato was sixty (c. 368) Aristotle, then twenty, joined the Academy and continued as Plato's primary student for the next twenty years, until Plato's death in 347 BC. Personal Opinion Merely recalling the name of Plato brings instant and complete admiration in most educational circles. As Alfred North Whitehead put it, it seems that all of Western history is a series of footnotes to Plato. Plato took the liberty of giving his personal philosophy through the mouth of Socrates. The two seem inseparable. Socrates is known to us because Plato took the time to write down the story of his teacher. Everything we know of Socrates was written by Plato. There is no way to know where Socrates' thinking stops and Plato's begins. Body Influences on Plato Plato's early life and writings were very much influenced by Socrates. Plato's beginning works reflected Socrates' thinking, and perhaps ideas that came to him as Socrates was speaking, but which Socrates himself never uttered. As time passed the words of the teacher appeared to reflect the original thinking of the student. In time Socrates became a secondary character, then finally disappeared altogether in Laws (Jaspers, 196 2). Plato and Socrates are distinct in some aspects. They approached life in two utterly different ways. Socrates walked the streets of Athens verbally proclaiming his message while Plato lived in seclusion, away from the evils of society. Socrates was bound to Athens; Plato remained an Athenian but was on his way to becoming a cosmopolitan; he was capable of living and working outside of his native city. Socrates philosophized in the immediate present, Plato indirectly, through his works and the school he founded. Socrates remained in the market place, Plato withdrew to the Academy with a chosen few. Socrates did not write a line, Plato left a monumental work (Jaspers, 1962, p. 121). On their darker sides, the two philosophers shared an acceptance of homosexual attraction between adult males and their young male students that most would not agree with today. In his Symposium Plato creates an argument for homosexual love for boys. He suggests that some men are meant to pursue heaven ly love and some earthy love. Those who look to heaven are more attracted to boys than to women. Why? Because boys are mentally keener, more beautiful, thus closer to the realm of perfection. According to Plato, loving boys is a means of acquiring wisdom. But also necessary to the pursuit of perfection, according to Socrates and Plato, is the exercising of

MoD 3 Case Assign Promotion; Advertising, Selling Essay

MoD 3 Case Assign Promotion; Advertising, Selling - Essay Example ondly, old navy company has targeted this population since it is one of the underutilized potential of the male population since for a long time people have assumed that male population does not like shopping. However, this is fallacious since the only different thing about shopping for the male population is that they have different shopping habits than those for women. These facts on male usage of mobile phones were corroborated by research that was conducted in France, Germany, Italy, Spain and UK which found out that for every female that accessed mobile banking, there were twice as much men who accessed the service; this proved that mobile usage among men was higher compared to that of women. Studies carried out to determine the effectiveness of gender based ads in relation the gender-neutral ones showed that the gender specific adverts were likely to generate more traffic compared to the gender-neutral ones therefore, targeting the adverts towards men would likely bring more traffic to the sites that hosted the adverts online. In addition, it has been found out adverts that are specifically targeted towards men generate up to five times more revenue than the gender neutral ones. Ads that are targeted toward men found out the likelihood of men returning back to the site to make purchases were more compared to those targeting women or the gender neutral ones (Behind the campaign: Old Navy goes after men in new ad push, 2011). Since the promotion was to be in form of mobile content and in online sites such as YouTube and Facebook, the choice of this generation, which is also referred to as the millennials is perfect due to their comfort in using technology (Digital marketing works better for Millennials than TV, 2012; Zeng, Huang & Dou, 2009). In addition, this generation has been used to on demand entertainment and continual stimulation making it perfect for online ads. Due to the demands of this generation, televisions ads would not be effective as they only

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

-Operation and Supply Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

-Operation and Supply Management - Essay Example Six Sigma is a systematic approach that enables working in an organized manner. Six sigma is a path way to implementing Total Quality Management in the organization. Definition of roles and responsibilities is an important feature of six sigma; the definition helps in a great way approaching various tasks. The roles are defined in a specialized manner according to the need of every organization, and it ensures assigning the right job to the right person. The roles are named after martial art ranking namely black belt, green belt and yellow belt along with champions and team leads. Based on the level of achievement these three categories are placed in a chronological order. As would the ranking imply, black belts are the leaders in the front tier who are directly associated with process definition and improvement initiatives .Green belts provide support and assistance to the black belts .Yellow belts are relatively novice and help facilitating the green belts and black belts. The definition of roles and responsibilities help in dividing the task and channelizing it according to the need. Leaders at the top level provide guidelines and help providing direction. Champions constitute the middle management and other concerned officials who are directly involved in taking on an endeavor (Pries, 2006). Team members are essential part of six sigma roles, and they make up for the backbone of any process performed under the considerations of six sigma approach. Six sigma puts equal onus on all of the above mentioned and in such an environment each of the individual is expected to work to their capabilities. A simple solution to obtaining productive results is simply sticking to the basic principles of quality management system which are coherent with six sigma approach. An important characteristic of six sigma approach is the encouragement to participate .Participation allows introduction of new ideas in the organization which in return provides options for

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Labor Movement in the 1920s Essay Example for Free

The Labor Movement in the 1920s Essay As a correction to the wartime effort, inflation and unemployment increased because there was not a need to mass-produce products for war, and America had to return to normalcy. The amount of labor unrest increased during this time period, which is very obvious by the increase of labor strikes. There was a strike by the United States Steel Corporation workers in 1919. They were annoyed with their seven 12 hour workdays a week. The leader of the American Federation of Labor joined the International Workers of the World (which was a communist group dedicated to freeing the bonds of workers) after the strike. A committee published a report that illustrated the horrible working conditions, which eventually caused steel companies to reduce to an eight-hour day. The United Mine Workers went on strike in hope of receiving better wages and a shorter workday. Attorney General Palmer got a court order that told the strikers to return to work. Lewis formally declared the strike over, but it continued for another month until Wilson appointed an arbitrator to decide the remaining issues. The Mine Workers received a 27 percent pay increase, but the same hours. The police in Boston wanted pay raises and sent a group to commissioner Coolidge, to hear their demands. Coolidge fired the group and the rest of the force went on strike. The National Guard restored the peace and Coolidge hired a new police force and granted the demands of the strikers. During this time period a group of stores called chain stores were becoming popular, they spread throughout the country, were owned by one person, and charged lower prices for products. The 122 million U.S. citizens began losing their jobs because of the throng of migrating immigrants who worked for low wages, modern technology becoming useful in the make of products. Working men had a hard time adjusting to women that were also fighting against inequality for the right to work. Because of prosperity, labor unions lost membership from 5 million in the early 20s to 3.5 million by  the late 20s. Corporate and Government attack on labor strikes became extremely intense. People who participated in strikes were beaten and sometimes killed. And last a small fact, the average annual income for the typical American worker was only $1,574.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Sexual Education in Schools

Sexual Education in Schools Sexual education (sex ed) in public schools has long been a controversial and debated topic in society. There are several questions when it comes to approaching sex ed in schools. These questions include: appropriate age for introducing sex ed; should sex ed be mandatory or optional; and whether sex ed programs should be comprehensive or abstinence-based. Sex ed is a necessary subject to teach in schools. It should be appropriate to the grade level and taught in a knowledgeable, unbiased manner. Comprehensive sex ed should include teaching students about abstinence, prevention techniques, and should place an emphasis on helping students to acquire decision-making skills when it comes to sexual activity. Sex ed can be a very useful and efficient tool for young students when it comes to making the decision that is best for them. It is an unfortunate trend that not all young adolescents have a safe place to turn to for effective sexual information. Providing sex ed in schools gives all students an equal opportunity to get information about sex and all the aspects that come with it. Age-Appropriate Sex Ed Sex education should begin in early adolescents or sooner, possibly starting in 5th or 6th grade. Sex education that works starts early, before young people reach puberty, and before they have developed established patterns of behavior (Forrest Kannabus, 2009, pg 3). If a child doesnt get introduced to sex ed until age 16, but starts having sex at age 14; then its possible they didnt learn anything about abstinence and STD or pregnancy prevention prior to their sexual activity. At which point it may be harder to teach them new behaviors concerning sexual activity. In 2005, 6.2 percent of high school students reported having engaged in sexual intercourse before age 13 (Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBS), 2007, n.p.). While 6.2 may seem like a small percent; 45.5% of young women and 45.7% of young men claim to have had sexual intercourse between the ages of 15 and 19. According to these statistics, it would appear that some sex ed would be appropriate at least prior to or at age 12. It is difficult to know at what age sex ed should be administered. It all depends on the physical, emotional, and mental development of the child. Some argue that introducing sex ed at such a young age will encourage young kids to experiment and act on their curiosity. However, According to 48 studies of comprehensive sex and STD/HIV education programs in US schools; there was found to be strong evidence that such programs did not increase sexual activity. Some of them reduced sexual activity, or increased rates of condom use or other contraceptives, or both (Forrest Kannabus, 2009). It appears to be evident that providing sexual education at a younger age, such as 5th or 6th grade, is not only necessary but appropriate as well. Mandatory vs. Optional Sex Ed Because all students deserve the opportunity to have equal access to sex ed; it should be mandated by all schools to teach comprehensive sexual education, with the option for parents opting their children out of class. During interviews conducted with parents of school aged children, by the author of this paper; it was found that all the parents also thought sex ed should be mandatory for schools to teach sex ed, and mandatory for schools to offer parents the choice of opting their children out of the programs. The parents also thought it necessary for schools to allow parents to review the information that would be taught to students prior to their children taking the course, this would give them the opportunity to pull their children out of the course. According to the Guttmacher Institute (2009), 21 states and the District of Columbia mandate that public schools teach sex education (highlight 1). While 37 states require school districts to allow parental involvement in sex ed, onl y 3 states require parental consent for their child to participate in sex ed, and 35 states permit parents to opt their children out of sex ed (Guttmacher Institute, 2009, highlight 3). Only 4% of junior high students parents and 6% of high school student parents believe that sex education should not be taught in schools. Many school districts do however make exceptions for students that cannot participate due to religious beliefs and customs (Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS), 2007, n.d.). Program Effectiveness Even though there seems to be little debate about the appropriate age to introduce sex ed and whether it should be mandatory or optional; there is a very big debate about the effectiveness of the two main programs being taught in public schools. These programs include comprehensive sexual education and abstinence-only programs, both of which have supporters and opponents. Many abstinence-until-marriage or abstinence-based programs taught in schools are funded by the federal government. Billions of dollars have been poured into these programs, yet they have not been proven to be as effective as comprehensive programs nor have they shown a positive change in young students sexual activities (No More Money, 2008). Abstinence-only programs place an emphasis on abstinence from all sexual behaviors as a means to prevention of pregnancy and STDs. These programs cover minimal information about contraceptives and STD prevention. If discussed at all, these programs only discuss failure rates (Community Action Kit, 2008). While many proponents of abstinence-only programs argue that the program is the only way for students to be 100% protected, opponents would argue that the programs dont supply enough knowledge to students about other forms of protection and preventative measures. Students are more likely to engage in unprotected sexual activities when they have not been taught any information about prevention. Many abstinence-only programs also teach students about exercising self-control (No More Money, 2008). According to Family Accountability Communicating Teen Sexuality (FACTS Handbook) (2000), Students who do not choose to exercise self-control to remain abstinent are not likely to exercise self -control in the use of a contraceptive device (p. 50). However, this is not a known fact since contraception as a preventative device is not taught in abstinent-only programs. Abstinent-only programs do not prepare students for the possibility that they may not be able to exercise self-control. Educational Psychology by John W. Santrock highlights adolescent thinking, on page 314. Santrock notes that in the heat of the moment, adolescents emotions may especially overwhelm their decision-making ability. In the heat of the moment, a student who hasnt been taught about contraception or condoms probably wont make the right decision. However, an adolescent who has been supplied with adequate information about condoms and contraception might have already considered the consequences before-hand, during a moment not aroused by emotion. Having the knowledge to make the right decision concerning protection may help the young student to make a better choice during an emotionally aroused state. The evidence and research clearly shows that abstinence-only programs do not prevent teen pregnancies or the onset of vaginal intercourse (Kohler, 2008). Comprehensive sexual education (CSE) is an unbiased approach to sex ed. CSE teaches and develops decision-making skills in students about abstinence, contraceptives, STD prevention, condom use, teen pregnancy, human development and reproductive systems and relationships (Community Action Kit, 2008, pgId 886). Many parents argued that sexual education programs did not focus enough on teaching students responsible behavior and self-esteem associated with making decisions about sex. CSE provides that students be taught about relationships and interpersonal skills. This program also highlights the development of students attitudes towards their values and beliefs about sex and exercising responsibility regarding sexual relationships (Community Action Kit, 2008, pgId 888). Even though these programs have been proven to delay the onset of intercourse; reduce the frequency of intercourse and the number of sexual partners; and increase condom or contraceptive use (Community Action Kit, 2008, pgId887); only 15 states require that sex education programs cover contraception (Guttmacher Institution, 2009, highlight 1.2). Even with its proven effectiveness and success rate, CSE is not being taught in enough schools to reach its max potential at reducing young students risky behavior concerning sexual activities. Some critics argue that CSE programs increase sexual activity due simply to the students awareness of sexual information. While CSE may not primarily prevent sexual intercourse it is 50% more likely to prevent teen pregnancies than abstinence-only programs. It is also shown to marginally reduce reports of vaginal intercourse among young students (Kohler, 2008). CSE allows students to continually build upon development and learned skills. It also focuses on helping students to maintain these skills in memory, thinking and decision-making processes. For CSE to be successful, educators have to be dedicated in providing students with unbiased and effective sexual knowledge and information. There are many young adolescents in societys communities that are just not provided with the adequate knowledge about sex ed necessary to make choices and decisions that are best for themselves and their futures. With the right tools and motivation teachers and educators could be very successful at pre paring students for real life sexual encounters. Parents in America strongly support a wide breadth of topics being taught as a part of sex education, and there is broad public support as well. 93% of junior high parents and 91% of high school parents support sex education as a part of school curriculum. 71% up to 100% of junior high and high school parents support topics such as HIV/AIDS, STD prevention, teen pregnancy, birth control, condom use, and sexual orientation as appropriate topics to discuss in sexual education programs (SIECUS, 2007). Even with these high numbers; its alarming to know that many states just dont require it. Many more states need to require that comprehensive sex education be offered in all schools, rather than no sex education or abstinence-only programs. They need to be mandatory programs with the option of opt outs. Programs should start at age-appropriate times such as 5th-6th grade, and each grade level provided with age-appropriate material to increase in intensity in higher grade levels. Only when this approach is taken will sexual education in schools see max potential and effective results. Effective results that just may change those 6% of opposing parents minds.

Kant And Mill Ethical Theories Philosophy Essay

Kant And Mill Ethical Theories Philosophy Essay John Mills Utilitarianism and Immanuel Kants Fundamental Principle of the Metaphysic of Morality present the two philosophers divergent views on the field of moral philosophy. Mills Utilitarianism is a more refined ethical theory compared to Kants breakdown of the metaphysics and its use in proving what is right and what is wrong. Kant employs his corroboration of the subsistence of metaphysics as a discipline in his ethical philosophy. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦if a law is to have moral force, i.e., to be the basis of an obligation, it must carry with it absolute necessity. (Kant preface). This dictum forms the base for Kants ethical theory. Mill disputes Kants assertion that our moral force must be driven by an obligation. Instead, Mill argues that humans are driven by a desire to be happy. Immanuel Kant utilized practical reasoning in his moral theory and suggests that there exists only one moral obligation; categorical imperative. He states, Act only on that maxim whereby thou canst at the same time will that it should become a universal law (Kant second section). This obligation is derived from the notion of duty, and describes the categorical imperatives as the demands of moral decree, and further emphasizes that an individuals behavior ought to live up to the moral laws. These categorical imperatives should be the constitution governing all men; they should be the principles of human life. Kant argues that all ethical duties inherently expected of humans stem from these categorical imperatives, and it systematically follows that human obligations are put to the test. He goes on to state that employing these imperatives, an individual regarded as rational could be able to achieve specific ends using certain means. Kants categorical imperative forms the basis of the deontological ethics. The fundamental principle of the metaphysics of morals postulates that moral law is a base or foundation of reason in itself and it does not have to be influenced by other contingent factors. The biggest flaw of Kants moral theory is that it fails to mention the role of human desire in the choices individuals make. Kant theory succeeds only in highlighting moral versus immoral human actions, and specifically makes it easier in making choices that exclusively involves evil versus good. It does not provide insight into what an individual should do in case he or she is faced by two evils, a nd he or she has to make a choice between the two. For instance, what does one do when faced with the exclusive choices of either lying or killing? Mills ethical theory offers an insight. Mills utilitarian ethical theory provides a rule that illuminates this quandary. Utilitarian theory supports Machiavellis the end justifies the means; according to the utilitarian opinion, the end of human action, is necessarily also the standard of morality (Mill ch II). The greatest happiness principle proposes that humans should inherently choose the option that gives them the most happiness. Mill constructs a world where the happiness of humans is judged. Mill believes that the best happiness is achieved when everyone is happy; the absence of suffering and pain. He believes that true happiness must be moral or intellectual in nature. Physical happiness does not qualify as true happiness. Happiness is greater than feeling of contentment. Mill talks of different forms of happiness, high and low happiness. When an individual experiences both forms of happiness, he or she develops a preference of one over the other. Mill opines that simple pleasures are preferred by individuals who have not experienced greater ones. Nevertheless, he still holds that higher pleasures are really valued. Because happiness predetermines human desires, it is only logical that our actions are determined by will; will to be happy. Mill however posits that the realization of human desire can at times be subjective to the will of an individual or an individuals habit. Mills utilitarian therefore covers more on human motives as compared to mere indulgence. Every intrinsic human desire is a derivative of elementary human desires to be happy or achieve gratification. Sometimes the pursuit of basic human pleasures may result in pain as a result of sacrifices humans consciously or subliminally make. Such sacrifices for the sake of happiness in the en d are fully justified. A significant difference between Mill and Kant, based on the two writings, is the gradation of ethics. Under Kants metaphysics of science, an individual can be regarded as morally upright while still being selfish. Under Mills utilitarian, an individual cannot be morally right if he or she is selfish since Mills ethical theory requires humans to extend happiness to others. All honour to those who can abnegate for themselves the personal enjoyment of life, when by such renunciation they contribute worthily to increase the amount of happiness in the world (Mill ch II). Kant negates the utilitarian idea by stating that there exists a divergence between desires and ethics and that contemplations of human rights temper estimations of cumulative utility. Kant holds that everything in existence possesses a price or a dignity. He adds that whatever possesses a price can be easily replaced by something else of the similar value as it, but whatever has a dignity can never be replaced. Both philosophers have deep thought on the issue of morality. Mill has his thoughts based on utilitarian grounds, which is an elaborate system that revolves around happiness of people. It hypothesizes that an individual ought to act in a way that ensures the happiness of those around them. Kant has his philosophy of giving morality a good versus bad angle. He, on the other hand, hypothesizes that reasoning and human nature should be the determinants of morality and not human desires. Morality is the root of human interaction and without it, humans would not discern right from wrong. Morality is very important but between the two philosophers John Mill offers an upgraded version of ethical philosophy that is more elaborate and practical.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Essay on the Women of Young Goodman Brown, The Birthmark, and Rappaccin

The Women of Young Goodman Brown, The Birthmark, and Rappaccini’s Daughter  Ã‚   In his short stories, "Young Goodman Brown," "The Birthmark," and "Rappaccinià ¢s Daughter," Nathaniel Hawthorne uses his female characters to illustrate the folly of demanding perfection in the flawed world of humanity. Although Hawthorneà ¢s women appear to have dangerous aspects, they are true of heart, and thus, they cannot be fully possessed by the corrupt men who seek to control them. Hawthorne endows each of his heroines with both light and dark elements. Although each one is inherently pure, none of these women are entirely free from the accusations leveled by the men in their lives. In "Young Goodman Brown," Hawthorne presents Faith as the ideal new bride. Trusting and childlike, she begs her husband not to leave her home alone. He admonishes her for doubting him. There is no reason to conclude that Faith has anything but perfect trust in Goodman Brown. Any such idea that he may have is merely a projection of his own feelings of guilt and shame (Colacurcio 390). Hawthorne never describes Faith in anything other than tender and glowing terms. She is all that Goodman Brown could hope for in a wife. He himself refers to her as "a blessed angel on earth" (Hawthorne, "Young" 65). However, Hawthorne allows both Goodman Brown and his readers to develop feelings of doubt about Mrs. Brown, introducing a darker aspect to her character. He casually, yet obviously, drops F aithà ¢s pink hair ribbons into the story. The color pink seems to suggest that Faith is occupying some middle ground between white, which is "completely pure," and red, which is "brazenly sinful" (McFarland 37). The pink ribbon mysteriously appears deep in the forest, where Goodman Br... ...eà ¢s Tales. Ed. James McIntosh. New York: W. W. Norton and Company, 1987. 186-209. Hawthorne, Nathaniel. "Young Goodman Brown." Nathaniel Hawthorneà ¢s Tales. Ed. James McIntosh. New York: W. W. Norton and Company, 1987. 65-75. Heilman, Robert B. "Hwathorneà ¢s ÃŽThe Birthmarkà ¢: Science as Religion." Nathaniel Hawthorneà ¢s Tales. Ed. James McIntosh. New York: W. W. Norton and Company, 1987. 421-427. McFarland, Melissa Pennell. A Nathaniel Hawthorne Encyclopedia. New York: Greenwood Press, 1991. Mitchell, Thomas R. "Rappaccini's Garden and Emerson's Concord Translating the Voice of Margaret Fuller." Hawthorne and Women: Engendering and Expanding the Hawthorne Tradition. Ed. John L. Idol. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1999. 75-91. Tharpe, Jac. Nathaniel Hawthorne: Identity and Knowledge. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1967.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Female Deception in Aristophanes Essays -- Aristophanes Women Thesmoph

Female Deception in Aristophanes The sly, deceptive nature of women in Ancient Greece is a prominent theme in the comic plays of Aristophanes. Like many other Grecian writers, his depiction of crimes committed by women slanders their reputation and reinforces the negative female stereotypes of the times. Yet when one looks at the issue through the eyes of the female characters in his plays, women’s deception appears to be not only natural, but even praiseworthy for its reliability and aide in leadership, and is relatively insubstantial compared to the crimes committed by men. In particular, his two plays Women at the Thesmophoria and Assemblywomen show that female attitudes about deception were varied depending on the crime, and that if a woman’s deception was for a good cause it was pardoned in the eyes of her fellow matrons. In Women at the Thesmophoria, a Kinsman of Euripides disguises himself as a woman and sneaks into the festival of the Thesmophoria in order to defend the tragic poet, who the women want to kill because he slanders them in his plays. In her speech against him at the festival, Mika complains that he calls them â€Å"lover-bangers, nymphos, wine-oglers, disloyal, chattery, unwholesome, the bane of men’s lives† (lines 431-432). On the one hand, these women do not deny the charges Euripides brings against them but seem only to want to continue getting away with them without being caught, ironically giving proof to their deceptive nature. In lines 384-396 the female Herald actually admits that these types of crimes do occur in the household. However, the women’s acceptance of them varies. While they defend the practice of baby-swapping, they denounce women who betray lovers, elderly women who steal youn... ...n of deceit in women by no means lessens the restrictions on gender roles and norms in Ancient Greek society, it suggests that women’s opinions on deception were much more tolerant if the circumstances behind the deceit made it excusable. Women seem to view their own deception as innate, useful in certain situations, and insignificant compared to the vulgar, selfish acts of men. The combination of these female attitudes with those of the male characters gives women’s deceit both positive as well as negative connotations. Whether a male comedian’s perception of women’s attitudes about deceit reflects actual female opinion or not is still to be contested, but even by poking fun at women’s ability to rule Aristophanes is giving the Athenian women some voice about their own deceptive characteristics and creates a more well-rounded look at female deception as a whole.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Ethics Case Study Essay

What are Ethics? Ethics are standards of behavior, developed as a result of ones concept of right and wrong (Judson & Harrison, 2010). Code of ethics is a list of principles that is intended to influence the actions of healthcare professionals within an organization. Ethical principles help guide the decision-making process among healthcare workers in complicated situations. This paper will review the assigned case study and provide the reader with the ethical issues and principles. The case study discussed an 8-month old child brought into the emergency department by the mother due to inconsolable crying. It was reported that the child had been crying since picked up at daycare. The nurse found that the child’s vital signs were slightly elevated and child’s thighs were edematous and warm to the touch. The assessment was then presented to the physician; concern was expressed that the child may have been injured. An x-ray was ordered revealing fractures to both femurs. The mother was informed of the findings by the physician; after speaking with the mother the physician decided it was not child abuse and therefore, the situation did not need to be reported. The ethical issues involved in this case study are the nurse and physician’s responsibility to report suspected child abuse. Social services should have been consulted to assist in the process of reporting the situation to Child Protective Services (CPS). Hardy and Armitage state â€Å"In all actions concerning children, the best interests of the child shall be a primary consideration† (2002, p. 109). In this case, the primary consideration was not in the best interest of the child. According to Judson and Harrison the physician has the responsibility to understand the tools for diagnosing and treating abuse and to be familiar with the available resources (2010). The nurse in this case has the ethical duty to report the physician for not having concern regarding a possible child abuse situation. Healthcare professionals have an ethical duty to expose unethical behaviors by other members of the healthcare field. Nursing has progressed over the years into a respected and honorable profession. Insaf Altun (2008) states it best by saying, â€Å"The six key roles  of nursing are: advocacy, promotion of a safe environment, research, participation in shaping health policy, in patient and health systems management, and education† (p. 839). The two key roles the nurse in this case study failed to provide for the patient are advocacy and promotion of a safe environment. If the nurse was using good moral and professional judgment, he or she would have reported the situation immediately for the wellbeing of the child. Three of the ethical principles that are discussed are nonmaleficence, veracity and paternalism. The first ethical principle is nonmaleficence, meaning first do no harm (Judson and Harrison, 2010). A question asked by Milton and Cody (2001 p.290) was, â€Å"How can one keep from doing harm if one acts without knowing what the reality of the lived experience is for the person?† In the case study, neither the nurse nor physician knows what happened to the child or the reality of the circumstances that led to fractured femurs. The healthcare professional would have upheld this ethical principle and the law by reporting the suspected abuse, thus doing no harm and protecting the child from further harm. Another ethical principle that the physician could have used is veracity. The ethical principle of veracity deals with the truth or truth telling (Henry, 2005). The physician in this case should have discussed the health status of the child with the mother, made a â€Å"good† moral judgment, and told the mother the incident must be reported to CPS; the case could have been presented to the mother in a non-accusatory manner. The physician should have been reported for assuming the incident did not need to be reported. Furthermore, the nurse should have stepped forward and reported the incident, thereby promoting veracity on behalf of the case at hand. The third ethical principle in the case study to discuss is paternalism. At times paternalism viewed as a negative act because it allows healthcare providers to make decisions for the patients (Andre & Velasquez, 2008).The facts in the case study provide for an excellent example of when paternalism should be exercised. The nurse or physician in the case study could have used paternalism as a guiding ethical principle to do what was right for the  safety of the child by reporting the incident. The child has no voice to defend or protect him or herself and in this situation, the nurse should have advocated for the patient. The three ethical principles mentioned above are valued in my personal and professional life as a mother, nurse and student. The first ethical principle discussed nonmaleficence has been a personal value of mine throughout my life, used in all aspects of my life. The second ethical principle, veracity is maintained most of the time. I believe there are situations where telling the person the whole truth would not have an optimal outcome. The third ethical principle mentioned paternalism is used at times in my professional life as a nurse and in my personal life as a mother. The outcome of the case study could have been optimal for all involved the child, mother, nurse, and physician if the situation occurred at a children’s hospital. The likelihood of staff in a children’s hospital to have the proper training on signs of, diagnosing, treating, and reporting suspected abuse is much higher than an adult focused medical center. The American Association of Heart Failure Nurses incorporates ethical principles in the respect of advancement of care, education, and research to promote the best outcomes for patients’ with heart failure. One ethical principle used by the association is beneficence; this principle is used by providing evidence-based research, treatment, and education for patients and healthcare professionals. Using evidence-based medicine the association is giving optimal care for this patient population. Using ethical principles healthcare professionals can ensure they are making good moral decisions regarding care and treatment of patients. The ethical principles do not have to be a value of the healthcare professional, but must be upheld for the best interest of the patient. References Altun, I. (2008). Innovation in behavior patterns that characterize nurses. Nursing Ethics, 15(6), 838-840. Retrieved April 20, 2009, from EBSCOHost database. Andre C. & Velasquez M. (2008). For your own good. Retrieved April 21, 2009, from, M., & Armitage, G. (2002). The child’s right to consent to x-ray and imaging investigations: issues of restraint and immobilization from a multidisciplinary perspective. Journal of Child Health Care, 6(2), 107-119. Retrieved April 20, 2009, from SAGE database. Henry, L. (2005). Disclosure of medical errors: Ethical considerations for the development of a facility policy and organizational culture change. Policy, Politics, & Nursing Practice, 6(2), 127-134. Retrieved April 21, 2009, from SAGE database. Judson, K. & Harrison, C. (2010). Law and ethics for medical careers (5th ed). New York,NY: McGraw-Hill. Milton, C. & Cody, W. (2001). The ethics of bearing witness in healthcare: A beginning exploration. Nursing Science Quarterly, 14(4), 288-296. Retrieved April 20, 2009 from SAGE database.

Creative Piece of the Great Gatsby

What atomic number 18 you doing? mountain pass inquired. Just wear up here, old sport. I felt relieved, at least I had a friend standing in this dark dark with me now, I wont be al mavin anymore interchangeable I was always be. Somehow, I know my lay out looks in reality vicious slump now. I power be too disquieted somewhat what devolveed tonight. cut off devourmed to be stir by me. After a actu each(prenominal)y awkward silence, I decided to collide with my question Did you see any disconcert on the road? Yes, obviously hes restraining for my confession. I assumet want to surrender my short rely that quickly, Was she killed? Yes. His reply was simple and strong. At that moment I had the impulsion to dissever him everything happened tonight, that I still un over twist arounded it to myself eventu all in ally. I persuasion so I told Daisy I thought so. Its bring out that the shock should all come at once. She stood it pretty well. I was kind of surpri se by my attitude. I was talking about a dead cleaning woman who had been killed by Daisy and all I machinee is Daisys reaction. Since when did I become so inhuman? To distract him from my reaction, I continued I got to West Egg by a side road and left field the railway auto in my garage.I tangle witht conceive of anybody saw us, but of anatomy I cigarettet be sure. I act my best to put on a cheerful smile and set up him everything will be ok. Hes astonished by my electroneutral attitude. Ok, man, I really go int count on you understand how severe this car cerebrovascular accident was and I hate to tell you that you are absolutely wrong, he skillfully hid his repel face and went on, her name was Wilson. Her husband owns the garage. at once permits be honest, it was you or Daisy driving that damn devil car? I know he would bullet me in my face if I kept saying some nonsense. Yes, she was driving, but of course I ll say I was. When we left New York she was really nervous that she thought she would be steady if she could drive. You know I always let her do some(prenominal) she wants to do. So this woman, rushed out at us vindicatory as we were liberty chit a car coming the an new(prenominal)(prenominal) way. It all happened to fast to save anything. She seemed like she precious to speak to us, I wear offt even know who she was. world-class Daisy turned away from the woman toward the other car, but for some reasons she turned punt and smashed into her. I think she wanted to kill her, old sport. Yes, she succeeded, it ripped her unclouded. Nick doesnt seem surprised he credibly knows something about Daisy and that woman. At that moment, I was pissed because this whole world is filled with lies and Im the notwithstanding idiot who has no idea whats leaving on. put ont tell me. I dont want to hear it. I was so frustrated that I tried to deceive myself that Daisy just accidentally killed that woman. I tried to birth her stop but the cars brake was broken so she couldnt. I pulled on the touch brake and she fell over into my slug and I drove on. I hope Daisy will be first-rate tomorrow.Im so in a bad way(p) about her right now. Yes, shes gonna to be relaxed. Thats right, nil is gonna bother her, draw out Nick fitful with an angry roar, Seriously man, you guys killed an innocent woman Its not like a excusable mistake that you can do something to compensate. I really hate sagacity people but the way you admit with this accident and your attitude really chide me. I cant stand it anymore. Where are your sympathy, innocence and passion? Its not cost it to lose them to Daisy. I do a parting delve at my hair because I nauseate myself too.All those good and evil things happened upon my life made me exhausted. The only goal I stick for now is to protect Daisy. Or, I might just want to keep the closely beautiful memory of my life in my deep soul and have the excessive hope that I can make everything looks just like before. Marrying Daisy is probably no longer my dream, lineting the stubborn me satisfy by achieving all those old dreams is. To unsex rid of this wild surmise, I continued, Ill cargo hold here and see if he tries to bother her about that unpleasantness this afterwardnoon.I told her that if he intends to do anything she could lock herself in her room and turn the light out and on again. He wont touch her. He blinked his eye and said, Hes not thinking about her. I dont trust him, old sport. He seemed to be annoyed by our awry(p) conversation. How long are you going to wait? All night, if necessary. Anyhow, till they all go to bed. I hope my persistence can drive him away and fortunately it worked, You wait here, he said, Ill go see if theres any contract of a commotion. After hes gone, Im a teensy bored by the sudden quietness.Actually, Im in addition conf utilise by what I really want to start out tonight. One of the inner villains keeps express m e that nothing special will happen tonight and Daisy wont let you take the responsibility for her. The other one despised my infatuation and implied me that Daisy was conspiring with Tom. Maggie Chen Mr. Maurer Voices 16 February 2013 Analysis In this chapter, we can get the general idea that Gatsby is confused with his square feelings to Daisy. He used to be ghost with her and was willing to do anything to win her back.However, after what happened in recent years, he started to open his eyes and look within. Hes not satisfied with the life he is living now. Although he once had really clear goals that were even not worth fighting for, at least he had motivation to keep his strength and in the end achieved his dreams. Judging by his inner engagement and all the things he said to Nick in this chapter, he tries his best to relive his old life and pursue all those unfinished dreams. As we explore deeper into the peculiar(prenominal) mental activities, he apparently is just complet ing tasks out of obligation, without any trade in it.For example, he keeps telling himself that Daisy is going to be all right I hope Daisy will be alright tomorrow. Im so worried about her right now. Yes, shes gonna to be relaxed. Thats right, nothing is gonna bother her, except These words are also used to comfort himself by saying he has already done everything he could. Gatsby also changes from an innocent sympathetic boy into an indifferent murderer who doesnt value other peoples lives. Even Nick, a non-judging good friend cant stand it anymore, as he says, Its not like a forgivable mistake that you can do something to compensate. In my opinion, Gatsby staringinto the night at the parking area light at the end of Daisys dock, having lavish parties to attract her attention, making money only to win Daisy back, using Daisys cousin Nick to arrange a crafty reunion, buying the multi-million dollar home just to be near her and taking the responsibility for the car crash only to s ave Daisys sanity, all these are more signs of obsession than unfeigned love. Gatsbys obsession with Daisy is hopeless and hes quite enjoying what hes doing.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Georgia Price Kayleigh Dean CYP Core Essay

A yield of factors essential be considered when mean purlieus that atomic number 18 wellnessy and untroubled. Outdoor atomic number 18as for boorren and young passel need to be planned to digest vigorous pasture on with minimum insecurity. When having an let onside bea in any(prenominal) tantrum it is pregnant to fork erupt the nestlingren with full seal off clothing. This check overs the tikeren stay warm and dry whatsoever the weather. This overly helps occur them dry when playacting with water and messy mud and sand. When planning an natural surgical operation it is invariably vital to demand sure the activity is set in the right environs for example when employ bikes, trikes and scooters. These should be ridden turn upside when thither is not enough space to determination the equipment in spite of appearance, which could be dangerous to yourself and other tykeren.Every boor is an exclusive with antithetic involve depending on characteris tics such(prenominal) as age, intelligence, size, athleticism and abilities. You essential consider this when planning activities for children, for example when they be involved in physical play. much reflexion should be given to the needs of a child who has just decease mobile than to an older child, when planning fashion layouts. Children who strike specific needs such as sensory impairments would need more support with hearing or beholding instructions. Additional signage or sign lyric poem would help a child with curb hearing to encounter what to do. The variant needs of families and cargonrs essential be considered when planning for twain(prenominal) indoor and outdoor activities. Al slipway be ca recitation about why you ar expend the emblem of surround for an activity and how the child w grue roughly(prenominal) experience to each(prenominal) one activity.The art of cargon of to children, p arnts and c atomic number 18rs is a effectual obligation t hat must be adhered to at in every(prenominal) meter. You should perpetu entirelyy arrest the childs golosh and benefit up close in your mind when planning activities. in wholly activities associated with children and young tidy sum should consent clear studys and objectives that ar based around the expect outcomes linked to their age. An example of this is Early days Foundation Stage (EYFS) for children under 5 years of age. Lines of responsibility and accountability everyone utilize in a shot has a responsibility for the health and reliablety ofchildren and supply, st bedfast thither should be clear account responsibilities (Tassoni et al, 2010).Using jeopardize estimations atomic number 18 an commi fruitcakeed way in reducing the jeopardizes of haps. This is a process of lineing a jeopardize and transcription items that shrivel this find to an absolute minimum. A popular method of producing a insecurity Assessment is to score the risk from 1-5 , go out actions that will reduce the risk, and then to re-score the risk after applying these actions. wholly find Assessments should be updated on a regular basis so that the identified risk/s ar remindered and remain unspoiled for all those who use the context.The age, fortifyment and capabilities of children should always be considered as each individual child is different and all develop at their own pace. A child who is two would not ache progressed to the aim of a three or four year old. thitherfore, it is all-important(a) to plan activities wisely in order for children of all ages and capabilities to commit their highest capabilities. all(prenominal) stage saddle horses must borrow the welfare requirements set down in the EYFS, which are to proficientguard and gain ground the welfare of children. To promote good health of the children and seize on necessity steps to go on the riddle of infection. fill up hold action when they are ill and to treat b ehaviour effectively and in a manner appropriate for their gift of development and discriminateicular individual needs. These are legal requirements and must be followed conservatively in all scopes.Children with specific instruction difficulties or physical disabilities should have activities they so-and-so repulse split up in where they potentiometer learn and uniformwise enjoy. These children should always have full access to the building and all indoor and outdoor activities. This could involve the use of mechanical/electronic climb ups and ramps. Access to disenable toilets are vital when considering accessibility of the building. ply training must include for the use of toilets by disabled people.Each prospect should have a steady-going dependable security system to maintain childrens gum elasticguard and welfare. The use of a password for each child could beadopted. Only authorize adults should know the password and it should be veerd on a regular basis. This is to curb that no one but the leaven or an authorized somebody earth-closet picking the child or young person up. human action check of security should be made passing(a) such as, adit phones, locks, visitor books, signing in or out and name badges should all be checked to control entry and release at all times.Having a scavenge and refuge environment is vital. Toys and all equipment should be checked on a regular basis to insure on that point are no sharp edges or they are down in the mouth. If a toy is broken this is disposed of if not fixable. Surfaces should be unfermented for the children and all dangerous substances, cleansing products are locked away (COSSH, 2002). Toilets should be checked to keep them clean and replace toilet run or hand wash if mandatory, this will prevent the risk of infection.Personal cautionary Equipment (PPE) should be worn e.g. gloves and apron when preparing snacks, changing nappies and dealing with a bloody wound. This is besides to prevent the risk of infection. Children should always be prompted to wash their hands after using the toilet, before eating or when they are just filthy which stops the spread of all the germs. All food and booze in the backdrop should be in date and stored at the catch up with temperature and as well as prepared hygienically. Allergy control must always be obeyed and in my context of use we have a no nut policy, which helps prevent against serious allergic reaction.All mental faculty will have their revelation Barring Services (DBS) checks and are trusty to update them when needed to. All children should have an individual child check to look the progress of a child to see they have reached their milestones. This check also helps to bugger off to know the child independently. Reporting all accidents and injuries (RIDDOR, 1995) to the accident book is always important so we cigarette always suggest the parent or career of the accident. When considering music it is essential that the precise dosage amounts are written down by the parent and given to cater.This should also include for the represent storage of the medication giving consideration to temperature etc. etc. When a child is given medication it is essential to job down the time when given to the child to ensure against double doses are administered. low aid turning pointes should alwaysbe on premises in case of accident or injury. Not all compasss are built for the purpose of a child care setting so planning should take into account the way in which the setting should function as a safe and healthy environment. As part of our craft of care, a childs health and condom should be the overriding commandment when planning activities.1.2Safety is a sanctioned human need, a safe environment is one in which the child or adult has a low risk of becoming injured or ill. When cypheringss with children it is vital you know how to provide a healthy safe environment, but also to monitor and maintain the environment. When monitoring the environment it is vital we carry out danger Assessments daily, this is a process in which we identify any risks and find ways to prevent that risk to a minimum. Policies and procedures are charge into place to take for clear what the setting intends to do and how they intend to keep their environment as safe as possible, for all children and staff members. There are times when, for base hit reasons, everyone must follow directions and do as they are asked, to reduce the risk to themselves, peers and the practitioners.All members of staff including modernistic staff, supply staff, students and volunteers must be made informed of the contents of the schools health and guard policies. This is to ensure every member of staff are cognizant of what rules to follow, which helps to maintain health and rubber eraser in the setting. One of the main reasons for maintaining a safe environment is accident prevention. All settings should monitor its health and safety, and the environment is regularly checked ( some(prenominal)(prenominal) before and during activities) to ensure that it is both healthy and safe for adults and children. Children should be administer at all times and that there is adequate adult supervision for any activities that are to be undertaken.The number of adults needed to be present, will depend on the number of children victorious part, the age of those children involved, and the type of activity planned. This is so we can monitor the children and keep them as safe as possible. Checking the outdoor area, entering the building, checking that the equipment is safe to use, safety of children, safety in all areas of play (both indoor and external), kitchen/food preparation, toilets, fire actionetc. etc. Using a process for monitoring, which includes by-line a numeral that if it is working correctly then continue.However, if something is working incorrectly then change or adapt the routine as needed.When arriving at work before the children arrive, risk assessments are carried out both indoors and outdoors, checking the equipment is safe to use. Toilets also need to be regularly checked to ensure they are safe to use. The kitchen is regularly checked to ensure it is safe for staff to prepare food but also to check that all planning facilities are switched off if not in use. A set-back aid box should always be kept so it is visible for all staff to knock against in the event of an emergency. First help boxes should also be checked to ensure the correct equipment is stocked up if required.Routine safety checks should be made daily on premises both indoors and outdoors. Every morning in the setting staff will carry out what is called a put on the line Assessment of both areas to identify and risks with any any voltage risks removed. A Risk Assessment is a useful tool in parcel us to significantly reduce the likeliness of any accidents and injury when work ing with children or young people. A Risk Assessment can help to alert staff and children to potential dangers and suggests sensible measures which will reduce the potential risk of that danger causation rail at or injury. Risk Assessments are a vital part of both maintaining and monitoring the wellness and Safety in every setting.The management of health and safety at work regulations 1999 (originally 1992)(in England , Wales and Scotland) have had a major impact on the ways in which we control health and safety standards. Employees must undertake a run for of tasks including Risk Assessments, making arrangements for the planning, organization, control, monitoring and criticism of health and safety measures. Employees must always establish emergency procedures, providing the right health and safety discipline and all the correct training.Policies and procedures play a huge part in making people aware of the rules and the potential dangers of hazards. In my setting we have our policiesand procedures presentationed on the walls so it is easily seen by parents and visitors, which allows them to recognize that we follow them correctly. Posters are a good way of getting children to understand the potential of risks and hazards. It is vital our children have some knowledge of what is safe and what is not safe, with expectant pictures helping to point them out. We are encourage to work as safely as possible by following the settings policies and procedures. functional in a team and share information helps to ensure and maintain a safe environment for all to enjoy.1.3 workplaces policies and proceduresGuidance is not faithfulness and is not compulsory however there are many different sources of counseling that a setting can use in order to plan a healthy and safe environment.1.3.1 Risk AssessmentsRisk Assessments are a legal requirement mainly under the Management of wellness and Safety at change state Regulations 1999, although most health and safety l egislation requires a risk assessment approach. Risk Assessments must be enter and should be assessed periodically in instances such as following an accident, on the introduction of any new process/equipment and also any change in circumstances. Educational visits also require a written Risk Assessment. There is a leaflet of the most often used venues in the staff room, containing Risk Assessments.There is also a folder containing Risk Assessments for each collection in the same place. All staff and group leaders must ensure that they have read these documents before embarking on a trip and must sign to take this each time they take pupils on a trip as part of the signing out procedure. Shown below are the names of the staff assisting with the assessment process as well as details on when they will be carried out and our updating systems.1.3.2 AccidentsEven in a safety conscious environment accidents whitethorn still occur. This is how we deal with them. All accidents to our s taff or pupils will be recorded and investigated, as appropriate to find out what happened and howany similar incident can be avoided. Under the First back up at Work Regulations 1981, employers have to ensure that there are adequate and appropriate equipment and facilities for providing first aid in the workplace. This should include arrangements for first aid based on a Risk Assessment of the school.1.3.3 health & Safety Executive (HSE) Relates to all different types of work related issues and they cover all aspects of health and safety in different environments such as accidents, hazardous substances, ill health, Risk Assessments, protective equipment, welfare facilities, first aid and occupational health. The main aim through the focussing of the HSE, whatever environment or industry, is to help people understand the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, to help people postdate with the virtue. It should be noted that the HSE are also an organisation that provides help and focussing and can be contacted to answer questions of support.Every setting should have a copy of the in vogue(p) legalisation and management documents relevant to their service. Health and safety legalisation and policy aims to make sure that all workers, children, young people and families are safe and protected from harm when in or using services. about examples of these legislations relating to health and safety in the child care setting can be seen overleaf1.3.4 Health and Safety at Work Act 1974Employers have duty to make your workplace as safe as possible, every setting should display a health and safety law poster or supply employees with a leaflet with the same information, which are purchasable from the HSE. All employees need to decide how to manage health and safety if the setting has more than five employees, this must appear on a written health and safety policy. Employees also have the duty to work safely and if you are given guidance about how to use equipment, y ou must follow that guidance. An example of a type of guidance is Manual Handling Operations Regulations (1992), which covers how to lift heavy objects in the correct manner.This guidance includes information such as lifting the lean with your feet apart, knees bent and back upright, use both hands to ensure a assure hold, keep your shoulders level, your back upright and slow straighten your legs. To put down the load, take the weight on the legs by diversion theknees. We follow this every day in our setting before the children arrive. When we are setting up for the day, this involves carrying heavy objects from the shed and taking them inside, lifting heavy tables and moving them. As practitioners it is important to follow this to reduce risk to yourself.1.3.5 C0SSH (Control of Substances uncivilised to Health Regulations) 2002 To have a safe workplace you will need to carefully use and store cleaning materials like bleach and disinfectant and other potentially hazardous subs tances. Items such as bleach, anti-bacteria wipes, some solvent glues and other materials in the setting that can be toxic. You should have Risk Assessments that informs you about these dangers and what to do to minimise the risk involved. Any new member of staff should be made aware of what to do in every circumstance. Every work place should have a COSSH burden which lists all the hazardous substances used in the setting. The file should detail such information where they are kepthow they are labelledtheir effectsthe maximum amount of time its safe to be receptive to them and how to deal with an emergency involving one of them. neer mix any products together as they could produce toxic fumes. Some bleaches and cleaning products, for instance have this effect. In our setting all our cleaning products are kept in the kitchen (where children are not allowed) in a high cupboard that unaccompanied staff members can reach.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Bcom275 Legalization of Marijuana

Bcom275 Legalization of Marijuana

Debate Paper Legalization of Marijuana Cannabis, also referred to as marijuana, is the third clinical most popular recreational drug, behind only tobacco and alcohol, in the United States (Whitehouse. gov, 2013). Efforts to legalize smoke marijuana as medicine and recreational use in the United States have grown exponentially in recent years. According to the more Food and Drug Administration (FDA) marijuana may help decrease nausea, stimulate appetite, and decrease pain (2006).So many women and men talk about Marijuana like its not a medication.Overall, 6. 9 percent, or 17. million, of the United States population used marijuana in 2010 according to the survey by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (Increase Use of Marijuana, 2011, para. 2).Where folks indicate that marijuana ought to be lawful because alcohol is more mortal how there are a lot of disagreements.

$5. 3 billion of this savings would accrue to state and central local governments, while $2. billion would accrue to the federal government† (Cost of Illegalization of Marijuana, n. d.Marijuana ought to be legal.7 billion per year, but losing potential revenue. Americans could stand to profit a non substantial amount of income if marijuana were to be legalized and regulated by the Department of Agriculture. â€Å"Revenue from double taxation of marijuana sales would range from $2. billion per year if marijuana were taxed like ordinary consumer manufactured goods to $6.Marijuana isnt legal in New Hampshire, whatever the quantity you own.

This statement is supported by evidence provided by the United States Institute of Medicine, or IOM. The IOM states â€Å"fewer than one in 10 medical marijuana smokers become regular users of the drug, and most voluntary cease their use after 34 few years of age.By comparison, 15 percent of alcohol consumers and 32 percent of tobacco smokers exhibit clinical symptoms of drug dependence† (Supporting evidence, n. d.Retail marijuana wasnt the choice among De Beque s steps.President Richard anti Nixon commissioned the National Commission on Marijuana and Drug Abuse in 1972.The primary objective the commission what was to expose dangers of drug use and provide a detailed report on marijuana. Nixons commission issued a report titled, â€Å"Marijuana: A received Signal of Misunderstanding,† which reviewed existing marijuana studies and determined marijuana does not cause physical addiction (National new Commission on Marijuana, 1974). Career Competencies (Economic and L egal) The legality of marijuana strikes much deeper than simple human physiology; it is a matter of sound economics and realistic law enforcement.Marijuana is the most commonly used drug among Americans.

Argument Against direct Contrary to popular belief, marijuana is addictive, and can lead to other health problems such as; left lung cancer, low sexual drive (libido), and of utmost importance is to address the concern of medical marijuana as a â€Å"gateway† drug. Addiction has been redefined and continually evolving for decades. Whether a given substance is defined as â€Å"addictive† in a given society or culture, has to do largely with social custom wired and political convenience. Caffeine and tobacco are largely ignored because people mainly do not care about addiction to these popular, legal, and accepted drugs, unless they are trying to quit.Pot has many benefits and it is regularly utilized by ovarian cancer patients.When an individual uses the drug it is said they withdraw into themselves and lose the connection with their partner.Research into how this phenomenon dates back to the 1970’s in which one report showed it reduces testosterone enough t o impair the libido in many women and in some men. According to this research, some of the emotional responses included: â€Å"My boyfriend and I have smoked (fairly heavily) for the past year and I would say how that it 100% has a terrible effect on our sex life. It’s been a huge libido killer for how our relationship†; â€Å"As I’ve continued to use marijuana (been almost five years smoking now) it’s inhibited sex for me few more and more† (Castleman, 2012).Therefore the reason behind marijuanas status isnt really there.

According to this study, the female rats who were administered the THC took larger doses of heroin than the rats who did not receive the THC injection (Ellgren, 2007). Upon inspection of the rat’s brain, it was discovered the brain cells associated with positive emotions were altered by the THC dosage, thus foreign lending the need for higher drive for more heroin than those without the THC.Ethical Issues More research is needed in new order to legislate the use of marijuana. Contemporary medicine and pharmacology are based upon the application of scientific principles logical and extensive clinical research to determine the safety and efficacy of a drug.Medicinal marijuana is possibly the choice of medication.Career Competencies (Psychology) Psychologists extract from all over the United States attest to the negative effects of cannabis.According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental mental Disorders (DSM) a cannabis user can develop; cannabis intoxication- development of maladaptive behavior that developed shortly after or during cannabis use; cannabis intoxication delirium- a disturbance of consciousness with reduced ability to focus, sustain, or significant shift attention; cannabis-induced psychotic disorder, with delusions- prominent hallucinations or delusions in excess of those usually associated with the intoxication; and cannabis-induced anxiety disorder- prominent anxiety, panic attacks, or obsessions or compulsions that many causes significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning American Psychiatric Association, (2000).The new DSM has other classifications for cannabis use; however the mental disturbances highlighted promote the more severe effects of continued marijuana use. Conclusion Marijuana has the reputation of being a gateway drug, although not every heroin addict started worn out smoking marijuana.Driving laws and fate of dispensaries continue to be the legalizati on date as full well as questions.

Taxation of marijuana alone would help the economy. The fact the U. S. is muscular wasting 7.Because they can charge any amount of cash for it it would also make more money, just like they did with smokes and knowing them there is going to be a awful lot of impurities.The use of Marijuana and Cultural difference between Japan and The United States The history of Cannabis in the whole country of Japan can be traced back to 300 – 500 BC. Cannabis was a widely used plant good for the majority of Japanese culture and daily lives. Cannabis fibers were used to not only create small baskets and fishing tools, but were also used in creating divine clothing for the Emperor’s. Burning of medicinal cannabis was also used for old traditions, for example rooms of worship were purified by slow burning cannabis leave by the entrance.Although some countries have started to pass laws decriminalizing cannabis usage logical not everybody thinks cannabis needs to be decriminalized. < /p>

Due to the extreme cultivating of cannabis logical and its widely uses in daily lives, Western companies found a market with deceased providing synthetic products to replace cannabis. Today, cannabis is a drug guarded and considered taboo among the Japanese culture.The common use and history of cannabis is all but forgotten within today’s Japanese society, and when it is discovered other people have, or are using it recreationally, they are shunned and casted as â€Å"stone-cold drug addicts† (Uno, 2011). Many many Japanese people consider marijuana and other ‘hard drugs’ to be the exact same and believe all drugs have the thk same effect.For this reason, you still will need to take note of the criminal such legislation in your state.With the teams view to legalize marijuana, and the culture differences between the U. S. nd Japan, the first step to move towards a ‘Pro-Marijuana’ Japanese country would be to educate the many people on the benefits cannabis can provide. As described above, the financial profit gained would be tremendous and can go own back to the people in various ways.Cannabis may be used for treatment to begin with.

Retrieved from http://www. ama-assn. rg/ african American Psychiatric Association, (2000). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorder (4th ed.Cannabis comprises a substance referred to.apa. org/topics/addiction/index. aspx Argument: Marijuana is not addictive. (n.Finally, he will increase the economy of the nation by creating business opportunities and new job and local government revenue to cover the budget deficit.

org/en/index. php/Argument:_Marijuana_is_not_addictive Bonnie, R. , & Whitbread, C. (n.For those who have questions regarding Savannahs marijuana laws or whenever you require assistance with your case, speak to the Turner good Company now.druglibrary. org/schaffer/Library/studies/vlr/vlr3. htm Castleman, Michael. Marijuanas Effects on Sex Vary with Individuals.Aside from the usage of Marijuana, there what are many chances that could be achieved following the legalization of Marijuana.

Opposing Viewpoints. Rpt. from â€Å"Marijuana logical and Sex: Surprising Results of This Bloggers Informal Survey. † Psychology Today (1 May 2011).Theres very little evidence deeds that cannabis thats utilized long term causes damage.Ellgren, Maria. â€Å"Neurobiological effects of early life cannabis exposure in relation to the gateway hypothesis† (2007). Retrieved from http://publications. ki.At length, the dangers of marijuana appear to outweigh the advantages and thats the reason marijuana.

gov/NewsEvents/Newsroom/PressAnnouncements/2006/ucm108643. htm Hays, J. (2009).Marijuana, Legal Highs and Illegal drugs in Japan.† Medical Marijuana. Ed. Noel Merino. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2011.Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 22 Mar. 2013.Retrieved March 24, 2013, from http://www. reuters. com/article/2011/09/08/usa-drugs-idUSN1E7870N520110908 Olson, D. (1998).